Brute Force: Have we gone over the top?

Roberto Laudisio Curti died in the early hours of the morning on March 18th. In recent stories it has been revealed that police used their taser guns 14 times and excessive force to take down the Brazilian born man shortly before his death. Curti was under the influence of LSD, a hallucinogenic drug. 

Currently undergoing trial it got me thinking about the methods of our police force and whether or not their actions are creating a nanny state, where individuals are childish and out of control in need of excessive policing. 

If the police are willing to use excessive force to control a single man who stole two packets of biscuits from the convenience store, what kind of measures are they willing to take to control the Kings Cross strip? 

This instance may be rare, but is it coming to a point where our Police are forcing us to act out in rebellion and continue the drug and alcohol fuelled violence within Sydney’s Kings Cross. 

To read more about Roberto Laudisio Curti click the following link: